CONTACT HKLS 聯絡香港鱗翅目學會


Unit B, 17/F Kin Ga Industrial Building,
9 San On Street,
Tuen Mun, N.T.

Tel: 852- 3543-5139

The HKLS is located in the centre of Tuen Mun, in Hong Kong’s New Territories (see map below). If you need to visit us, please make arrangements by e-mailing us first. At least two days’ notice is required.

The office is 7 minutes walk away from the Tuen Mun MTR Station.  It is 3 minutes walk away from Tuen Mun Fire Station Bus Station for KMB Bus Number 66, 66M, Cross Harbour Bus Number 961.  The Light Rail Transit network connects with the town centre bus terminus, from which KMB buses 52X (to Mongkok Park Avenue), 60M (to Tsuen Wan MTR), 60X (to Jordan Road), 61X (to Kowloon City Ferry) and 263R (to Sha Tin town centre) provide connections to elsewhere in Hong Kong and the New Territories.HKLS


HKLS 註冊地址:
新界屯門新安街堅基工業大廈 17樓B座

電話: 852- 3543-5139

香港鱗翅目學會位於屯門市中心附近,詳情請看附圖。如要親臨本會,請在最少兩天前先 電郵 聯絡我們,以便安排。


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