(14) A new record for Hong Kong –Tagiades cohaerens Mabille, 1914滾邊裙弄蝶
1 December 2024
Our society photographed the first suspected butterfly T. cohaerens on 28 April 2018 at Tung Chung on Lantau Island, where it was feeding on bird droppings and has not been seen since. Recently, while compiling the new book “A Handbook of Hong Kong Butterflies”, two photos of this butterfly were found to be very similar to T. menaka with different wing spots. To confirm this, we searched the Society’s butterfly collection and successfully found a specimen, which was then dissected and confirmed that the species is indeed T. cohaerens, a new record in Hong Kong. The distinguishing feature of this species is the postmedial whitish spots below the costa, of which there cannot be more than five.
The following pictures are Tagiades menaka (Moore, [1866]) and Tagiades cohaerens Mabille, 1914 for comparison:-
(14) 香港新記錄 – 滾邊裙弄蝶 Tagiades cohaerens Mabille, 1914
以下是黑邊裙弄蝶 Tagiades menaka (Moore, [1866]) 和滾邊裙弄蝶 Tagiades cohaerens Mabille, 1914的標本及外生殖器解剖對比圖 :