The 2016–2017 term of the Council Members has almost come to an end. The new Councils for 2017-2018 will be voted upon during the coming Annual General Meeting.
The following five existing Council Members have offered themselves again voluntarily to be re-elected in the coming 2017 Annual General Meeting, to be held on 23rd April 2017, 2:35pm at Unit B, 17th floor, Kin Ga Industrial Building, No. 9 San On Street, Tuen Mun . The AGM notice will be duly delivered to all members in due course through email and advertised on our HKLS website.
2016-17 的委員會任期即將届滿,2017-18 的新委員會成員將於週年股東大會中選出。以下五位現任委員會成員願意繼續參與2017年的委員會工作,義務為本會服務。本會定於二零一七年四月二十三日下午二時三十五分,假座香港新界屯門新安街9號堅基工業大廈17樓B室舉行之會員周年大會.
The following five councils to be elected are as follows:- 以下五位理事如下:
Mr. James John YOUNG 楊建業 Chairman
Ms. Chong Shong Jojo WU 吳滄桑 Secretary and Treasurer
Ms. Yee Kwan Tina WONG 王怡君
Mr. Shiu Man YAU丘紹文