HKLS Open House April 15th (Saturday) to 22nd (Saturday) 2023
開放日主題「世界級的受保護蝴蝶標本展」, 是次展品主要來自一位資深蝴蝶愛好者的藏品, 入場人士可以欣賞到大如雀鳥、 顏色艷麗、 極之珍貴的「鳥翼蝶」, 機會難得。同場更會展出大量拍攝自世界各地的精美蝴蝶相片、鱗翅目(蝶、蛾)幼蟲圖片、蛾類標本及圖書特價發售等。
The motto of the open day is “Exhibition of butterfly specimens under world-class protection”. The exhibits are mainly from the collection of an outstanding butterfly enthusiast. Visitors can admire the extremely valuable “Birdwing Butterflies”, which are as big as a bird and extremely colourful. This is a rare opportunity. At the same time, there are a large number of exquisite butterfly photographs from all over the world, pictures of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) larvae, moth specimens are also on display and special discount on sales of books, etc.
活動內容 Programmes:
1. 展覽Exhibition:
*世界級的受保護蝴蝶標本 The world-class protected butterfly specimens
*蛾類標本 Moth specimens
*拍攝自世界各地的精美蝴蝶相片 Exquisite butterfly photographs around the world
*鱗翅目幼蟲圖片 Pictures of Lepidoptera larvae
2. 講座 Lectures:
11:30 -13:00 蝴蝶帶我看世界 – 非洲篇 (主講: Mr. Tony Lee)
14:30 -16:00 蝶與蛾的飼養 (主講: Mr. James Young)
11:30 -13:00 蝴蝶帶我看世界 – 南嶺篇(主講: Mr. Tony Lee & Mr. James Young)
14:30 -16:00 蝴蝶的行為(主講: Mr. James Young)
11:30 -13:00 蝴蝶帶我看世界 – 亞洲篇(主講: Mr. Tony Lee)
14:30 -15:30 建立一個新品種昆蟲 (主講: Mr. Yiu Vor)
11:30 – 13:00 Moth Magic: An Introduction to Moths (Speaker: Dr. Roger C. Kendrick)
14:30 – 15:30 The Maths of Moths (Speaker: Dr. Roger C. Kendrick)
講座名額有限, 先到先得, 請盡快以電郵 info@hkls.org 或致電 35435139 報名!
Places are limited, first come, first served. Please email info@hkls.org or call 35435139 to register as soon as possible!
3. 圖書大傾銷 Book sales:
所有圖書將以特價發售, 部分圖書折扣更低至半價。
All books will be sold at a special price, and some books will be discounted to half price.
開放日時間 Opening hours:
15th April, to 22nd April, 2023 11:00am to 5:00pm
地址 Address:
Unit B, 17th floor, Kin Ga Industrial Building, no. 9 San On Street,
Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong
電話 Tel: 35435139
電郵地址 Email address: info@hkls.org
Visitors to the event will receive a free gift.
歡迎教育團體、非牟利機構(敬請預約, 以便人流安排) 及公眾人士參觀, 費用全免。
Educational groups, non-profit organizations and the general public are welcome to visit the exhibition free of charge. (for groups, please make an appointment to facilitate the process)